Primary Rainbows

Relationship to the Viewer

diagram from oikofuge

A rainbow is not in a static position, rather it depends on the viewers angle with the sun (or other light source). The sun, the viewer, and the antisolar point lie on the same line, with the viewer in the middle. A primary rainbow will always oppose the sun.

diagram showing the sun, an observer, and the center of the rainbow in a straight line. The observer is in the middle, with the sun and rainbow opposing each other. a cone shape forms from the observer with the rainbow along the surface. The red part of the rainbow is 42.4 degrees from the viewer, and the purple is 40.7 degrees.

In these diagrams, the center of the rainbow is the "antisolar point" which is directly across from the sun. Essentially an infinite cone is formed with the viewer at the point and the rainbow as the surface of the cone around the antisolar line as an axis. The small diagram shows the cone on its side, illustrating how the outer surface of the cone makes a 42.4 degree angle with the central axis. This 42.4 degrees is on the very outside edge of the rainbow, the red band; violet is at 40.7 degrees. Each wavelength/color has its own cone, with red being the largest and decreasing in angle until the smallest cone, violet.

A rainbow is also not a specific distance away from the viewer, as long as there are water droplets on the cone's surface, a rainbow can be formed whether the droplets are feet or miles away. Their distance does not impact the appearance of the rainbow.Rainbow Cone - AtOpt

Considering the observer is a key component to the rainbow, each person will see a rainbow made by different water droplets (as the observers each make a different cone).Rainbow Cone - AtOpt The further away the droplets are, the less obvious this is however.

simple diagram showing the sun, viewer, and rainbow in five different senarios. 1: the sun and observer are at the horizon, showing half of a full rainbow. 2: the ground slopes upwards from the viewer, obscuring more than half the rainbow. 3: the viewer ontop a mountain, allowing more than half the rainbow to be seen. 4: the sun higher in the sky and the viewer on flat land, with less than half the rainbow visable. 5: The viewer in an airplane, allowing the full rainbow to be seen

Rainbows are full circles, but the entire circle is rarely seen due to the relationship between the sun and viewer, causing the rest of the rainbow to be hidden by the ground (more accurately, there are no raindrops between the viewer and the visible ground). However, the amount of rainbow visible can increase if the sun is lower to the horizon and/or the viewer is higher (a full circle can be seen from a plane). The reverse is also true, the higher the sun and/or the lower the viewer, the less the circle can be seen. Check out my rainbow gallery for full circle rainbow photos!

Here is a much better diagram showing how a viewer can see an entire rainbow at a high vantage point.

Here is a real life view of what a rainbow from a mountain top looks like! Part of the mountain is covering the raindrops, but a lot is visible.


Heres where prisms become more relevant.

diagram of light entering a prism and also a water drop. Light bends upon entering the prism and bends further upon exit, forming a rainbow outside. Light also bends upon entering a water droplet, and exiting, but before it exits, it reflects off of the back of the water drop. The exiting rainbow forms a 42 degree angle with the entrance ray.

Notice in this diagram, how the light passes through the prism, but reflects on the inside surface of the water drop. Light does infact pass straight through a water drop like it does through a prism, but the shape of the drop does not allow the dispersed light to form a rainbow, despite the droplet acting as a prism. These rays of light wash each other out, creating extra brightness around the sun (zeroth order glow).Rainbow Caustics

Light rays passing through (right side) the drop will exit so that they all flare outwards from each other without hitting any boundaries. Light that is reflected (bottom left) by the inside surface of the drop start to flare from each other on exit, until they hit a hard line, and start to flare up over the others.

A reflection within the drop is important to create a caustic. A caustic is a physics phenonema describing distinct areas or lines where light rays are densely packed. Caustics are frequently observed in clear water on a sunny day, where light collects into thin shimmery lattices on the bottom of the pool.

Ripples of light under the surface of blue water.

Here we can see the hard line where the reflected rays will not cross, where light collects in a caustic. This is also called the minimum angle of deviation. These caustics result in a 3D cone for each color. Of course looking at this cone head on through the central axis, we just see it as a circle.

Each wavelenghth of light creates a caustic at a slightly different angle from the incident light, allowing the larger angles (red) to be seen outside of the smaller angles (violet). How Rainbows Form

My diagram showing how each color in a primary rainbow overlap

Each wavelength will produce light that is very faint around the antisolar point (central axis), concentrating until the edge of the cone, the caustic where it is a very intense thin line. And since each wavelength creates a different size caustic, the smaller colors show through the transparent areas of the larger colors.

Suggested next page:

Secondary and Higher Order Rainbows